Layers are a way to individually layer or identify and view parts of a model separately from other parts of the model.  Some examples may include a drainage system, a pumping station or any other collection of objects.  Note that there is no requirement for the user to utilise viewing layers.  They are only present to allow easier manipulation and viewing of a model.  The Mine example in the FILE > LOAD DEMONSTRATION menu shows an example of layers.

Layers work by allowing the user to overlay multiple layers of pipes or information on a screen.  By doing this, unnecessary detail can be turned off so only pipes of interest are viewed.

Layers may be made active or displayed using the Display Manager.  Layers names can be changed from the Edit Box by clicking the button adjacent to the layer name.

Primary Layers

Primary Layers consist of up to 250 layers.  It is intended that the Primary Layers be used for identifying types of pipes.  For example, Layer 1 could be Primary Shafts, Layer 2 could be Main Pipes, Layer 3 - Raises, Layer 4 - Stopes, Layer 5 - Minor Pipes etc.  

Secondary Layers

Secondary Layers also consist of 250 discreet layers.  It is intended that the Secondary Layers be used for isolating parts of a model that could be viewed independently from the rest of the model.  As mentioned above, this could include working areas, stope, raises, declines or any other feature of interest.  

There is no limitation on the number of pipes belonging to a layer, however a pipe can belong to only one secondary and one primary layer.  Primary layers and secondary layers can be set and viewed independently of each other.

See the Site example that comes with Pumpsimâ„¢.

Hint:  To quickly save and recall a layer state, use the Save View function to save and recall views with the Primary and Secondary Layers settings.

Using Layers

The easiest way to use layers may be to create the model first, and then edit pipes to change the layers to the desired number.  All pipes will default to Layer 1 of both Primary and Secondary Layers.

Hint:  The Edit Box has a function which will select and group all similar pipes (for example all round pipes with a diameter of 3.0m). This can provide a quick way to group edit and change layers for multiple pipes.

New pipes constructed will inherit the layer numbers of the pipe they are constructed from.  If no pipe exists, new pipes will use the default layers set in the Display Manager.

Hint:  Because primary and secondary layers can be used together, this creates an opportunity to create a filter using both layer systems.  If, for example, primary layers were assigned to different regions of a site (North, South, East and West for example), and secondary layers were defined as different functions (Shafts, Ramps, Ore drives for example), then by individually setting the primary and secondary layers, the following examples could be easily viewed:
 -  All ramps in the North site.
 -  All ore drives in the East and West sites.
 -  All ramps and shafts in all sites.

Exclude from simulation

A layer can be excluded from the simulation. This can be useful for drawing other parts of the environment not designed for simulation, such as electricity cables.