The toolbar allows quick access to commonly used Pumpsim™ functions.

Fig. 2.3.1: The quick-access toolbar.

File and Utility Functions

Fig. 2.3.2: The first segment of the toolbar, the file and utility functions.

New File

Creates a new file.  The current file will be cleared.

Open File

Open the file dialog to load a new file.

Save File

Saves the existing file.  If no name has yet been set, a Save File dialog will be displayed.

Reset Display

Reset the graphics card if the display becomes corrupted.


Reverses the last action performed in Pumpsim™.

Show All

Automatically turns on all hidden pipes to ensure all pipes in the model can be seen.


Takes a static image of the screen in a form which may be saved, copied or remain on the screen for further comparison with other windows.  Snapshots are static only and do not change.


Searches for specific items within a site model.  Pressing the ‘searchlight’ icon directly, repeats the previous find action.  Pressing the submenu arrow next to the icon, activates the find submenu as shown below.

Some examples include:


The lock function controls how the Pumpsim™ cursor attaches to other pipes or graphics objects.  When editing, this is often desirable to ensure pipes attach correctly to other pipes or reference graphics while drawing or editing, however it may become problematic particularly in graphically crowded environments.

Fig 2.3.3: Lockable parts of the model, available from the lock icon on the toolbar.

Individual graphical locks can be turned off using the function below.  Note that ALL LOCKS CAN BE TURNED OFF temporarily by pressing the CTRL key while editing (moving or drawing) pipes.

Hint:  You may wish to carefully move pipe ends or joins, however the move keeps connecting the ends to other nearby (or far away) pipes in the same view direction.  To disable this behaviour and allow fine control over moves, simply hold the CTRL key down while moving to prevent the pipes locking on to other objects.

Pipe Solids

Locks on to the closest pipe when adding, moving or copying new pipes.  De-selecting this option will allow pipes and nodes to be finely moved without locking on to a nearby node or pipe, or to travel through each other without connecting.

Hint:  The lock target can be de-selected when arranging pipes which are closer together.  The lock function when selected will normally lock on to the closest available pipe, ensuring a positive join between the pipe.  

Warning:  If the lock target function is turned off, pipes may not join into each other precisely (even if they appear close or overlap), resulting in no exit or entry errors.   The ‘lock target’ function should always be selected when you intend to join into other pipes or nodes.  You can check whether pipes truly join into each other by turn on the NODE display.


Allows transparent (non-active) pipes to be locked on to, selected or edited.  Transparent pipes are normally treated as invisible by the program and by default cannot be selected or changed.  Enabling this function will allow the pipes to be selected or edited the same as any other pipe.


Locks the mouse cursor onto a referenced graphic surface or wireframe.  Pumpsim™ will preferentially search for pipes when moving the mouse cursor to new locations.  If no pipe is found, if this option is enabled the program will search for a reference graphic (imported graphics) to lock on to.

Hint:  This function is very useful for tracing or moving pipes on to imported referenced graphic locations.  By using the referenced graphics as a guide, pipes can be accurately placed within a model.  To force the program to use the referenced graphics only, and not lock on to other pipes, turn the Lock Target options OFF.


Forces new pipes, or moved or copied pipes to be drawn exactly vertically when the vertical movement function is chosen (with the SHIFT key or the RIGHT MOUSE button) while drawing.  When this function is not selected, pipes can be moved both vertically and parallel to the plane of the viewing screen while being drawn.

Hint:  Pipes drawn or moved with the Lock Vertical function activated can still be angled.  Simply release the SHIFT key or RIGHT mouse button while drawing and moving when you are at the desired elevation and the pipe end can continue to be moved horizontally at the new elevation.


Checks whether new pipes intersect existing pipes, and inserts a node if they do.  The function works by searching surrounding pipes for intersections or crossing paths that are close. Turn this function OFF if you require a pipe to cross another without joining (for example an overcast pipe) or pipes are required to be drawn very close together without being joined.

Perspective View

Sets the viewing system to orthogonal or perspective.  Orthogonal removes the effect of perspective, making objects in the distance appear the same size as close objects.  This mode may be of assistance when viewing sections or plan views, where the perspective appearance would otherwise distort the true scale of objects at different distances.  The mode has the disadvantage of a more cluttered and complex display.

Perspective view is more suited to general editing and viewing, where objects in the distance are obscured by perspective scale, creating a less cluttered display.

Perspective On

Fig 2.3.4: A pipe system depicted with the perspective on, making parts of the model more distant and others closer depending on the perspective of the user.

Perspective Off

Fig. 2.3.5: A pipe system depicted with the perspective off (orthogonal view), making all parts of the model appear the same distance from the user's point of view.

Hint:  When performing true PLAN or SECTION views, ensure that ORTHOGONAL mode is chosen to prevent perspective errors in these views.  In plan or section view, pipes at a different plan or section depth will be shown at a different scale in perspective view.  You can quickly change between views by pressing the ‘P’ key on the keyboard.

Flow Animation

Providing the model is designed true to scale, the progress of flow can be tracked at the same speed as expected flow in the underground site when set to x1 speed.

Fig. 2.3.6: Flow animation speed control.

The animate toolbar button has a number of sub menu items:

Hint:  Clicking the main flow animation icon will cycle the flow speeds through all available ranges.

Drawing Functions

Fig. 2.3.7 The drawing function of the toolbar.


Places the program in view mode.


Places the program into draw (add) mode to allow creation of new pipes or measure between pipes.  The function has several sub-functions available by clicking the small arrow at the right.

In normal (free draw) mode, pipes that are constructed from other pipes will adopt the attributes of the joined pipe (such as size and wall friction factors types).

Pipes that are NOT constructed starting from other pipes will adopt the default set in the Settings menu.

Fig. 2.3.8: The draw mode menu.

Fig. 2.3.9: The ramp builder window.

Note that each reference line can only be selected once, as the program will not duplicate multiple selected lines.


Place the program into Edit mode.

Note that if several object are selected, only the pipes and channel edit box will show.

Hint:  Selecting multiple pipes permits attributes for a large number of pipes to be changed simultaneously.  This can greatly speed up creating a model.


Allows the user to see detailed information about a specific element or a group of elements.


Selects a group of pipes.  Selected pipes are considered as a group by a number of other Pumpsim™ functions including Edit, Delete, Move, Copy and Filter.  These options will apply changes to all selected pipes simultaneously.

Fig. 2.3.10: The select menu allows the user to select a certain group of model parts.

Multi-Select Options

Permits groups of pipes to be automatically selected, based on either an initial pipe selection, or subsequent selections with the mouse.  The selection mode will remain set, until it is reverted back to the single pipe select option, or the <escape> key is pressed twice.

For example, to select all pipes of the same size, either select a single initial pipe with the select button, and then select the multi-select option “Same Size”. OR select the “Same Size” option first, and then click on a pipe.  All pipes of the same size as the initial selection will be selected.  Once selected, the pipes can be edited, deleted, moved etc.


Deletes a pipe or pipes from a model.

Deletion Options

Fig. 2.3.11: The delete menu.


Moves the selected objects, pipe ends or icons to a new location by clicking and dragging the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON.  Unless the SHIFT key is held, the move will always be done at the same horizontal elevation.  A ‘true vertical’ line is displayed showing where the move point is in relation to other pipes.

Multiple objects can be moved by first selecting the objects and then dragging any one of the selected objects to the new location. Moving a fitting will move all the attached pipes.


Copies the selected objects or icons to a different location.  The original pipes or icons remain in place.


Blocks or unblocks a pipe with the highest resistance available (as defined in the Settings menu).  This will restrict nearly all flow through the pipe.

Warning:  Ensure that pumps or fixed flows are not present in pipes leading to or from blocked pipes.  This will create a simulation error, as flow will be unable to travel through the blocked pipe without unreasonable pressure or heat build-up.


Reverses the direction of the selected node.  The direction of the pipe, and the flow within the pipe is reversed. Clicking a node will reverse the attached pipes.

Insert Node

Inserts a node or junction within an existing pipe.  The pipe is split into two pipes as a result.  This node can then be moved or joined into by other pipes.

Hint:  Drawing a pipe into the middle of another pipe will automatically create a new node or junction into the joined pipe.


Applies a filter to selected pipes to simplify or bind together pipes.  See the TOOLS > FILTER section for more detail, or more control is required on how the filtering is applied.


See Tanks


See Pumps

Manual Valve

See Valves

Automatic Valve

See Valves


See Junctions


See Sprays

Scenarios option

See Scenario

Display a diagram after a dynamic simulation. See Simulation

Place a monitor to record data during dynamic simulation.

Simulation Functions

Steady State Simulation

Performs a steady state simulation on the model data. For more information, see Simulation.

Dynamic Simulation

Performs an flow simulation on the model data. For more information, see Simulation.